Got this info from a lady in the personnel office in Mpls. I am assuming the mailings will be for all offices. Carol _______________________________ SUBJECT: Mailing Earnings Statements for Direct Deposit (Net-To-Bank). Effective PP06-01, Pay date March 16, 2001 earnings statements for employees with Direct Deposit (Net-To-Bank) will be mailed to the current mailing address on file. The process of distributing "hard copy" checks and corresponding earnings statements is not changing. Earnings statements may be received as early as Monday or Tuesday, but not later that Friday of pay week. Regardless of when the earnings statement is received, monies are transmitted to the financial organization with an effective date of the scheduled payday. If an employee's earnings statement does not arrive by Friday, the employee can contact his/her District Accounting Office (Human Resources at the Eagan IT/ASC) for the deposited amount. If the earnings statement is still not received by the Monday following pay week, the employee can request a copy of the payroll journal from that same office. The return address used in the mailing of earnings statements will be the same address used to distribute the checks for that office. Therefore, undeliverable earnings statements will be returned to the employee's office for distribution. If the employee's current mailing address is not correct, he/she should complete a PS Form 1216 and return the form to the local personnel office for processing. Payroll Accounting Headquarters Finance