Negotiations Update Unlike in the past, all negotiations will be at the main table and on the record. This is a welcome change in my opinion. President Moe Biller isthe officer responsible for all negotiations. He designated Executive Vice President Bill Burrus to be our chief spokesperson for the 2000 Negotiations. The main negotiators will be Executive Vice President Bill Burrus, Director of Industrial Relations Greg Bell, and the three craft directors Cliff Guffey, Jim Lingberg, and Bob Pritchard. In addition, the division or craft chief spokesperson will be Cliff Guffey for the Clerk Craft, Jim Lingberg for the Maintenance Craft, Bob Pritchard for the MotorVehicle Craft, and Greg Poferl for the Material Support Craft. The craft directors will be assisted by the other craft officers. For theClerk Craft, the officers are Tommy Thompson, Jim McCarthy, and Rob Strunk. The Maintenance Craft officers are Edgar Williams, Jake Jackson, and Bobby Donelson for the Maintenance Craft. The Motor Vehicle Craft officer is Joe Williams. Executive Assistant to the President Phil Tabbita, Special Assistant to the President Randy Sutton, Wichita Region Clerk NBA Tom Maier, Memphis Region Clerk NBA Mike Morris, and Central Region Maintenance NBA Gary Kloepfer are assisting in negotiations as well. We did open negotiations on Tuesday, August 22, 2000. President Moe Biller, Chief Spokesperson Executive Vice President Bill Burrus, Secretary Treasurer Bob Tunstall, Clerk Division Director Cliff Guffey, Maintenance Division Director Jim Lingberg, Motor Vehicle Division Director Bob Pritchard, Assistant Clerk Division Directors Tommy Thompson, Jim McCarthy, and Rob Strunk, Assistant Maintenance Division Directors Edgar Williams and Jake Jackson, Maintenance National Representative-at-Large Bobby Donelson, and Assistant Motor Vehicle Division Director Joe Williams, Executive Assistant to the President Phil Tabbita, as well as APWU Attorneys Darryl Anderson, Lee Jackson, and Sue Catler were at the main table. Wichita Region Clerk NBA Tom Maier, Special Assistant to the President Randy Sutton, and Maintenance Secretary Kathy Stone were keeping records. Many local presidents, the other resident Washington DC Officers, and the Rank and File Committee were also present for the opening. The Union submitted the pay proposal as the first proposal for the 2000 Negotiations. The next negotiation session is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6, 2000. -Edited from an e-mail by Bobby Donelson (8/28/00)