FROM THE PRESIDENT Loren Adams Major Changes Coming! I just attended a special meeting for all local union presidents from the Southwest called for by Terry Stapleton, APWU Southern Region Coordinator. The crux of the matter is -- many changes are ahead for the Postal Service because of REC site closings, deployment of FSM100s, tray management systems, and other additions to automation. Essentially, the entire Postal Service over the nation will be facing a hiring freeze for quite some time. The changes are monumental. Does this mean there will be no conversions of PTFs to Regular? No! Conversions may take place when an office has been placed under Article 12 withholding, according to contract. Conversions will continue as jobs go residual or are shown to be warranted because of maximization. Management may mistakenly withhold conversions, but the agreement states otherwise. The new TE-1 program will be implemented, but (according to contract) they may only be used for specific duties for specific new automation, such as the FSM100. The new T.E.s may only be used in the following three situations: 1. In withheld duty assignments that have been properly identified on a withholding notice due to automation. 2. In withheld pending reversions. 3. Attrition of Part-Time Flexibles due to automation impact. Impact statements, by contract, will have to be provided to the union by management at several intervals. REC site regulars will be excessed to various locales over the country, not limited to the specific 100-mile radius but encompassing an unspecified circumference. The meeting at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport on March 27th lasted for about 6 hours. Terry Stapleton, Jim McCarthy and Bobby Donelson were the principal speakers. So much information was disseminated, it will be some time before I can write a full report. For those interested, I have tapes available of the meeting. In fact, I strongly encourage all local union leaders to listen to these recordings. I will attempt to have tapes transcribed to word-processing by computer voice transcription software in the meantime -- to have available to all union activists. It is a must that we prepare now for the future. My final question to Jim McCarthy at the meeting was, "Where then will be Postal Service be in 15 years?" He paused, then strongly responded, "The Postal Service will be alive and well in 15 years. There is no danger of the Postal Service going away because of the Internet or any other technology." The Postal Service will continue to be the foremost delivery/communication system in the world. Jobs may change, but there will still be about the same number of jobs. Casuals in Lieu of Career Employees Arbitration Win I asked national officials at the Dallas meeting about our arbitration win of December 1999. They assured me that it is not lost, nor is it being used as "bargaining chip." They made it clear that an arbitration win (such as ours) cannot be used in this fashion and that eventually the postal service would have to honor the award. Payscale Anomaly According to national leaders, Executive VP Burrus is still negotiating this problem (Steps A-D) with the USPS. Ditto on Automation Level 4 to 5 grievances. The Year 2000 Convention -- Arkansas Postal Workers Union Thursday - Saturday June 1 - 3, 2000 Fayetteville is privileged to host the 2000 Convention of the Arkansas Postal Workers. Since Fayetteville is strategically located near the center of America, we also welcome union friends from nearby states as well as our native Arkansas. National APWU Leaders Of interest to everyone, several of our leading national union leaders will be speaking and teaching. There will be time also for private consultations. These gentlemen are leaders because they have proven themselves by winning battles like we all must face. They are leaders because they know how to handle difficult situations which many local stewards and officers encounter on a daily basis; they've been there, done that. Some are the most dynamic and gifted speakers in the country. They are also the most informed of where our union is headed [as well as the USPS]. Jim McCarthy, recognized as one of the nation's most gifted speakers, will be the Keynote Speaker at the Friday night Banquet. Fayetteville Members Invited! All Local members are encouraged to attend classes, hospitality and banquet. Banquet will be held on the first floor of the Hilton in the Garland Room. Buffet entreés will include Chicken Breast, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes w/ Gravy, Rice Pilaf, Green Beans, Baby Carrots, Tossed Salad w/ Assorted Dressings, Hot Rolls & Butter, etc. The Local will be covering cost for banquet, educational materials and hospitality for all Local members. National leaders will share much information important to your job and its future! Parking is provided in covered parking building next door (east) of the Hilton Hotel on Meadow Street. Please have your parking ticket validated (stamped) at front desk on your way into hotel. For those outside Fayetteville, important notice! The state convention will coincide with (guess what?) the WAL- MART STOCKHOLDERS' CONVENTION. Therefore, there will be hardly any hotel/motel rooms available in all of NorthWest Arkansas. The room rate at the Hilton for convention is only $55. However, you must get your reservations in NOW! The deadline is May 18th, but the Hilton (and all other facilities) will be booked up for the weekend of June 1-3. Don't delay; reserve now. Hospitality Hospitality will be offered from 7 to midnight (+) on Thursday and 9 to midnight (+) on Friday. The Albert Pike Suite, Room 204 (where hospitality served), is located on the 2nd floor overlooking the University of Arkansas. New Clerk Craft Director Jeanine Haught has been appointed the new Clerk Craft Director. She will be tracking and monitoring all job postings, job descriptions, times, etc. Feel free to ask her questions concerning jobs, postings, etc. My Health I have been experiencing health difficulties of late and will be undergoing extensive tests to find remedy. Meanwhile, Vickie and Jake have been taking up the slack, and I appreciate their work. Thank you for your concerns during this time. Hope to see you at the meeting at 1:00 pm on Sunday, April 16th. In solidarity, Loren Adams