The June RAZORBACK SCHEME is out and mailed to those outside Fayetteville facilities (including retirees). A full convention report will be given in the July issue, as well as photos from JIM ROBERSON'S retirement party. The BIGGEST news from the convention (pertaining to Fayetteville in particular) is that things are in the works to get the arbitration award (Casuals in lieu of....) settled soon. I don't want to sound too optimistic, but it does look good. JOHN DAVIS was elected as Maintenance Craft Director for Arkansas at the convention. Congratulations! Photos of state convention will be in next newsletter and on website. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT (A reminder!) Cynthia Hurlbut and Ricky Busse to be wed This Saturday, June 10, 2000 7:00 pm Central Baptist Church 1301 Gregg Street Fayetteville Postal workers invited Cynthia is mail processing clerk on Tour One. JOBS AWARDED June 6, 2000 Chris Clark FSM #18 Tour 2, FSM, Sat/Sun, 7:30 am Jim Roberson, Vice Loren Adams FSM #7 Tour 3, FSM, Sat/Sun, 4:00 pm Debbie Ware, Vice Linda Allmendinger MP #2 Tour 1, Auto, Sun/Mon, 11:00 pm Scott Ridenoure, Vice Residual MP #8 Tour 1, Auto, Thur/Fri, 11:30 pm Nikki Hutchison, Vice Photo attached is courtesy of CAROL HUDSON. It is photo of JIM ROBERSON being presented certificate from the union for 27 years of service. Left to Right: JIM LEWIS, JIM ROBERSON, and [yours truly] LOREN ADAMS. Two other photos of Jim Roberson's party will be on display on the Local's website: (See photos in new Photo Gallery section of CONNECTIONS-Jake) The new building (NORTHEAST STATION) is due to be dedicated next week sometime. Someone please clue me in as to exact day and time, please. I would like for as many of us as possible to be present.