STEVE BIRCH QUITS P.O. Hey, Loren! I received an unexpected phone call this morning (Wednesday). They said that I will be processing in to the active guard program tomorrow. Normally they only process people in on Tuesdays, but in my case they're making an exception. Needless to say I was more than happy to go by the plant this afternoon and fill out my resignation from the post office. I did kind of want to work at least one more night to say goodbye to all my friends there, but things just didn't work out that way. I'm not sure how fast things will go in Little Rock, but if everything goes smoothly I can make it back to FYV in time for Joel's funeral. I'm not quite sure where the church is, so I'll need directions. I would like to write a farewell all my friends there, if you could post it somewhere or publish it in the union newsletter. I'll be in touch. Steve. (2/2/00)