AUGUST 2001 MEETING SUMMARY 23 MEMBERS WERE PRESENT Motion to suspend the rules so that attorney Charles Kester could speak to the group passed unanimously. Mr. Kester gave summary of the history of the lawsuits and the present status. His main conclusion is that the process is mostly completed at this point. Officers & stewards reports were given & discussed. Items covered: Casuals in lieu of settlement (nothing new). Consolidation of Ft. Smith & Harrison mail (pending). Mike Hathorn, U.S. representative candidate, will speak at next meeting. TEs, 4 on board, having difficulty hiring 4 more. RI399 - priority mail operation on Tour 1 returned to clerk craft. FMLA - Manual Camarillo attend seminar in Hot Springs. Joyce Street jobs posted over our objections. EEO problem with table & chairs removed from men's locker room but not the women's. Steward training scheduled September 22. Xmas Party schedule for December - need an organizing committee. Newsletter - will try a union printer with the September issue. Membership drive in final stages, non-member lists passed out. Pay anomaly is still pending. Gerald bradley won the $50 attendance door prize. Next meeting is Sunday, September 16, 2001 at 1pm.